Table For Electronic Dreams

Electronic objects are not only "smart", they "dream" in the sense that they leak radiation into the space and objects surrounding them, including our bodies. Despite the images of control and efficiency conveyed through a beige visual language of intelligibility and smartness, electronic objects... are irrational - or at least allow their thoughts to wander. Thinking of them in terms of dreaminess rather than smartness opens them to more interesting interpretations.
- Anthony Dunne, Hertzian Tales


Since the invention of radio by Nikola Tesla and Guglielmo Marconi in the late nineteenth century, the electromagnetic spectrum has become increasingly noisy and dense. We communicate through this invisible medium through our electronic devices- radios, cellphones, Wi-Fi, bluetooth, etc. but we do not have direct access to this medium or an awareness of its invisible contours and boundaries.

Table for Electronic Dreams is a table which reveals the hidden electrical activity of nearby electronic objects. Through this interaction, people will develop a greater awareness of the invisible workings of their electronic devices and the limits of human perception.


Table for Electronic Dreams was a thesis project by Andy Doro for the Interactive Telecommunications Program at NYU.


Table for Electronic Dreams was the Grand Prize Winner of the Instructables Get the LED Out! Contest and was published in How To Do Absolutely Everything by Instructables.

For more information see the development blog. For further inquiries please contact



I am interested in using these circuits in other forms and installations. Please contact me at



I would like to thank Michael Chladil, Ellie Davies, Nick Doro, Mike Dory, Nick Hasty, Todd Holoubek, Tom Jenkins, Ai-Chen Lin, Rory Nugent, Despina Papadopoulos, Danny Rozin, Ruth Sergel, Tymm Twillman, Kyveli Vezani, Gian Pablo Villamil, Stefanie Wuschitz, Raphael Zollinger, my family and everyone at ITP.


Table For Electronic Dreams PDF ~3.9 MB



Voiceover by Ellie Davies. Music by Aleph-1.